Teacher Training / Workshop
Teaches are a crucial and integral part of the education system. A great teacher is crucial to a student’s development and growth. Teaching is an important process, but teacher is the fundamental element in this process and it is always the method which determines the output of the system.
Training sessions are needed to help the teachers learn or create new teaching strategies which will bring back the interest of their students in the classrooms and encourage learning. The typical deductive workshop approach of knowledge transfer often involves new content and having them interact with it. The teacher training is something which is necessary after the recruitment of a teacher in any institution.
PT. Infinite Potensi is very well aware of this situation where the teachers also need to figure out ways for applicable learning and ways of effective methods in giving session materials. Teacher competence and professionalism play an important role in the success of student learning.

PT. Infinite Potensi Series of Events
24-26 October. Phase III English Enhancement Program for SMAN 1 Tanta Under Yayasan Adaro Bangun Negeri’s Education Improvement Program, Tanjung, South Kalimantan.
18-28 July. International English Language Testing System (IELTS) post-training enhancement program for SMAN 1 Tanta (Phase II) and IELTS prep. course for SMAN Banua 5, Tanjung and East Barito, South Kalimantan.
12-15 July. Intel Teach to the Future: Getting Started training program for SMPN 1 Ciomas, Bogor, West Java. 2012
22 February. Alston pre adoption workshop for prospectus clients of SMART Series. The event was held at Harris Hotel, Kelapa Gading.
4 February. In cooperation with Stanford EPGY and V-Campus organize“CREO”, and international creative writing competition.The event was held at Raffles International Christian School,Pondok Indah.
28-30 June. English Enhancement Program-Phase II for the teachers of SD Plus Murung Pudak, Tanjung, South Kalimantan, under the Yayasan Adaro Bangun Negeri’s Education Improvement Program.
25-27 May. English Enhancement Program-Phase I for the teachers of SD Plus Murung Pudak, Tanjung, South Kalimantan, under the Yayasan Adaro Bangun Negeri’s Education Improvement Program.
19-22 March, 21 April and 5 May. Teaching Knowledge Test (TKT) preparation course for Al-Azhar.
27 November. Organized the 2012 Intel Education Awards, held in Park Hotel, Jakarta.
29 September. Organized “The GAC Orator”, an international public speaking competition for secondary students, sponsored by ACT Education Solutions.
20-22 September. English Enhancement Program-Phase III for the teachers of SD Plus Murung Pudak, Tanjung, South Kalimantan, under the Yayasan Adaro Bangun Negeri’s Education Improvement Program.
24-25 July. Apple Learning Tour, supported by Apple South Asia, for SDIA 20 Cibubur and SMPM 22 Pamulang respectively.
6 July-26 October. Thirty hours English Proficiency Program for PT. Netmarks Indonesia.
22-23 May. Workshop on ICT for Teachers and Principals, Supported by Apple South Asia and Education Department of the Government of Jakarta
4 February – 8 April. Thirty hours English Proficiency Program for PT. Duta Kalingga Persada and PT. Somagede Indonesia. 8 March – 8 April. Post TKT class observation for Al-Azhar’s Primary schools.
16 September. Apple Learning Tour, supported by Apple South Asia, for the Department of Education, Sports and Youth Affair of the Province of Jogjakarta.
5-6 September 2013. Intel Teach to the Future: Essential Course for Raffles International Group of Schools.
12 August – 24 October. Cambridge International Certificate for Teachers and Trainers (CICTT) – Round II for Raffles International Group of Schools.
3 and 5 December. Apple Learning Tour for the school leaders of Muhammadiyah and Al-Azhar respectively.
29 November. Supported Intel Education Award 2013 and the event was held at Crowne Plaza Hotel, Jakarta.
21-23 November. Alston Pre and Post Adoption Workshops for prospectuses and existing clients of the SMART Series. The events were held at Hotel Kartika Chandra, Raffles International Christian School – Pondok Indah and SDIA 20 Cibubur respectively.
30 October. Sharing session on the use of ICT in school for the school leaders under the Yayasan Pesantren Islam Al-Azhar, supported by Apple South Asia and presented by Mr. Abdul Chohan,Apple Distinguished Educator (ADE).
6-10 and 25 January. Teaching Knowledge Test (TKT) Preparation Course – Round VII for the schools under Yayasan Pesantren Islam Al-Azhar.
15 February – 5 April. Cambridge International Certificate for Teachers and Trainers (CICTT) – Round III for Raffles International Group of Schools.
18 Febuary. Apple Sharing Session at Universitas Muhammadiyah.
5 September. iPad Sharing Session with Principal & Teacher at SDN 02 Menteng.
29th October. PT. Infinite Potensi and The Director of Alston Publishing House Pte Ltd, Mr. SIM WEE CHEE, visited SD Bakti Mulya 400 Jakarta
4-5 November 2014. Workshops for prospectus and existing clients of the SMART Series at The theatre Raffles International Christian School Pondok Indah, South Jakarta.
Engaging and Igniting Interest in Chemistry with Dr. Pash Ummat, B. Sc., M.Sc., Ph.d. on Saturday 6th of February 2016
Apple Sharing Session with Sekolah Al-Azhar 45 Palembang on Thursday, 16 April 2015.
ALSTON WORKSHOP: Based Practice & Post Adoption Workshop with Ms. Jia Hue Kee on Saturday, 18 April 2015 At Al-Azhar 1 Jakarta.
STELLAR PROGRAM: Reading Strategies for Lower Primary with Ms. Irene Lee on Saturday, 22nd of June 2015.
THE STORY POWER: Take a Plunge from Reading to Telling with Ms. Kiran Shah on Saturday, 23rd of May 2015.
Helping Children with Learning Difficulties Workshop with Ms. Rahmah Mohamed Ali on Saturday, 17th of June 2015.
ARTC Workshop: Facilitating Collaboration with Technology Using IPad on Saturday, 15th of August 2015.
MANDARIN Workshop: Creating Mandarin Lesson with Ms. ZouXiaoqing on Saturday, 15th of August 2015.
APPLE Training at Sekolah Islam Al-Azhar 45 Palembang from 28th to 30th of August 2015.
APPLE Class Observation at Sekolah Islam Al-Azhar 45 Palembang from 14th to 18th of August 2015.
ALSTON Workshop: An Introduction to Effective Teaching Strategies with Ms. Jia Hue Kee at Raffles College on Saturday, 19th of September 2015.
Mathematics with Concrete Pictorial Abstract Approach with Ms. Tan Siew Sian on Saturday, 5th of December 2015.
Art Express for Teachers with Mr. Bradley James Foisset at PT.Infinite Potensi training Centre on Friday and Saturday, 15th and 16th of January 2016.
Art Assembly Show for Students with Mr. Bradley James Foisset at Raffles Christian School Kebun Jeruk Campus on Thursday, 14th of January 2016.
Art Assembly Show for Students with Mr. Bradley James Foisset at Raffles Christian School Pondok Indah Campus on Friday, 15th of January 2016.
Using Games to Teach Math with Mr. Ang Chee Peng at PT.Infinite Potensi training Centre on Saturday, 30th of January 2016.
ALSTON Workshop : An Introduction to Effective Teaching Strategies with Ms. Jia Hue Kee at Sekolah Al-Irsyad School Bandung on Saturday, 30th of January 2016.
ALSTON Workshop : Enlivening Mathematics on Fraction, Handling Data & Problem Solving with Ms. Jia Hue Kee at PT. Infinite Potensi Training Centre on Saturday, 27th of February 2016.
Co-Operative Learning Workshop with Professor Dr. Ong Ek Teng at PT. Infinite Potensi Training Centre on Friday and Saturday, 4th & 5th of March 2016.
PUPPET PLAY: An Introduction Using Puppets to Enhance Language Development in Children with Ms. Kiran Shah at PT. Infinite Potensi Training Centre on Saturday 12th of March 2016.